The Impact of New Forms of Social Organization of Work on Policies and Practicies of Human Resources Management. A Case on Romanian Management Culture

Richea, M. Z.

In a turbulent global social environment, the main rules of economic and social processes reconfigures every day, setting the dynamic operating principles and mechanisms for all forms of social organization. Dynamic social and economic life has generated a growing competition from larger to obtain resources, and economic capital deficit is launching a series of challenges on the global labor market. In this sense, current trends in the international labor market are anchored in the new paradigm of social organization of labor-postfordism (Piore, Siebel 1984 Apud Giddens, 2010, Sociology, p. 718). New model of structuring the work activity in contemporary society, where human capital resources are key strategic element, has generated a growing competition in the international labor market for recruiting the best employees. Considering the international challenges on social organization of labour, in what follows, I want to make a study on Romanian policies and practices of human resources management that are shaping on the labour market. Data will be presented in this material are those resulting from pre-test phase of the study. The main purpose of this study is to highlight the certain features of Romanian policies and practices of human resources management, in order to observe the impact of the global turbulent environment on them. Research objectives of this study are: (1) to identify the characteristics of the Romanian policies and practices of human resources management; (2) to achieve a comparative analysis between management models adopted in public institutions, multinational corporations and private organizations for profit; (3) to identify the impact of international social and economic dynamics on the Romanian labour market, in order to extent the analysis over other countries.



APA citation

  • Richea, M. Z. (2012). The Impact of New Forms of Social Organization of Work on Policies and Practicies of Human Resources Management. A Case on Romanian Management Culture. International Journal of Social Sciences, I(1), 130–150.

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