School District Conditions and Practices that Lead to School Council Effectiveness

Stelmach, B. L.

Recent educational reform trends demonstrate a prescriptive and much more formalized approach to involving parents in schools. This qualitative case study focused on the Province of Saskatchewan, where School Community Councils (SCCs) were legislated in 2006. The SCC mandate stipulates that parents will advise the school staff on the development of learning improvement plans. Based on semi-structured interviews with parents who participated on an SCC in a high school, the principal, and district-level administrators, I used the principles of ecological governance — purpose, design, process, and relationships — to gain insight into how this SCC transitioned into its role in instructional planning, and what obstacles thwarted its growth toward this new function.



APA citation

  • Stelmach, B. L. (2012). School District Conditions and Practices that Lead to School Council Effectiveness. International Journal of Social Sciences, I(2), 48–70.

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