Poor ICT infrastructure and inadequate policy/regulatory frameworks remain responsible to inadequate access to affordable telephones, broadcasting, computers and the Internet. However, globalization has brought the whole world to operate as a global village by using the Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) as a tool to communicate and solve critical issues that impede development to take place. As a result therefore and very aware from the fact, Africa is lagging behind, NEPAD was created in July 2001 by African leaders to address the challenges facing the African continent. The main objective of NEPAD is therefore to eradicate poverty and put Africa in the path of sustainable growth and development. The use of ICT is thus seen as one of NEPAD’s flagship programmes to ignite socio-economic development. ICTs are used in various sectors of the economy such as education, governance, engineering to generate growth and facilitate socio-economic development. Based on the objective set by NEPAD, this paper set explore the role it plays in introducing ICTs as one of it tool to promote socio-economic development in Africa.
Keywords: Globalisation, ICTs, NEPAD, Africa
DOI: 10.20472/BMC.2017.006.006
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