Language as a Social Behaviorist and Structure: an Empirical Study of the Everyday Language

İlkhan, İ.

The view that there is a deep-rooted bond as well as a close interaction between language and thought still holds true today. In addition to this idea of Whorf, Wilhelm von Humboldt stated that “the language of a society is its spirit and its spirit is its language” further concretizing the matter at this point. However, the desire on the part of societies to grow economically led languages to lose their spirit and their cultural heritage to undergo changes. Thus, a manner of thinking which we can call relative language and culture has emerged. The focus of this article involves what relative language and culture is, how we understand it and how we perceive/should perceive it.



APA citation

  • İlkhan, İ. (2014). Language as a Social Behaviorist and Structure: an Empirical Study of the Everyday Language. International Journal of Social Sciences, III(1), 56–60.

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